The ocean view from Doug's porch. Continuing the storyline from
Episode 1:
It's Day Three, I think. I haven't eaten much since Day One, as I have food poisoning, so my "facts" may be slightly skewed. Please correct me in the comments section if in fact I've boogered up some chronology.
As I've said before, St. Croix is just absolutely beautiful.
We started the day out with a little shopping in downtown Christiansted.
(click any pic for the whole album.)
We walked down to the boardwalk and checked out all the sailboats.
Gilligan inquires about a three-day tour.
Then, of course, it's time to check out another beach, at another resort.
A nice view en route to the beach.
Piratey ship (Doug, i can't remember the name), is a National Historic Landmark -- the last pilot schooner used by the US Navy. It offers sunset cruises.
We grabbed a bite for lunch before laying out under the coconut trees. Apparently more people die every year from coconuts falling on their heads than from shark attacks. Having not eaten in 48 hours, I overindulged myself and ate most of a ginormous hamburger. Shouldn't have done that -- the ole gastrointestinal tract, lying in wait, would gather its strength to exact demonic revenge in a few hours.
Country boy and Gilligan pose at the Buccaneer. My sexy girlfriend.
It was awesome. I was really feeling back on the top of my game after lunch. We floated around, jumped off a little pier and napped in the sun. Those daily naps in the sun on the sand have ruined me. I've still yet to get my body used to a normal amount of sleep each day.
This is what I'm talking about.Shark bait.
The edge of the Buccaneer beach. Don't sail onto the rocks or you'll end up in Davy Jones' locker.
After our piratey adventure at the Buccaneer, Doug led us to a secret beach. It's pretty amazing being the only people on a beach of the caliber as those in St. Croix. With no open container laws. We hiked around a bit, watched the sun go down and hightailed it out of there while we had enough light to see the mangrove trail.
Miller time.
Where to next? Cheesburgers in Paradise, of course!
Doug ordered a couple rum specialties for he and Carrie, the Cruzan Confusion and the Painkiller, while I stuck to water.
Carrie is a fan.
We watched a bit of Steve Gatz on the guitar before going back to Doug's for the evening.
That's all I've got for today, but check back for Tan Doug Tours St. Croix - Episode 3: An offroadin, tidal poolin, fishin and sunset watchin adventure.