Update: Dave thinks it might be a freshwater drum, though I think the fish was a bit more narrow than that. I'm also not sure it had that front dorsal fin. Closest ID I've seen is a grass carp, though it doesn't quite have the bony mohawk like Carrie's fish.
(click to see the whole album)
Then D$ caught a bluegill. She was using worms too.
And FINALLY, I caught a fish. I was using a Rapala Shad Rap (shallow runner floating minnow) and kept getting bites but no fishies. Switched to a smaller diving minnow and two casts later this little tiny largemouth bass landed at my feet.
Julia tried to eat the fish, and chased them out in the water after we released them. I think she wanted to be friends with the big freak fish.
Also, here's a map of the lake. We spent all of our time today near the little point just south of the fishing dock.
My camera is broken, and I forgot Carrie's, so all these photos were taken and e-mailed from my camera phone. Nice.
OK, now that I've seen the pic, it's definitely a carp of some kind. And that's the smallest ass bass I've ever seen.
That's Fish Master Mezz, everyone, he'll be here all week.
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