FishMasterMezz works hard to retain his courtesy title.
It was a great plan: Arrive before dawn and stay until we catch some fish. We didn't figure it would be 11 hours after our arrival before someone caught the first fish worth mentioning.
I say it was the first fish worth mentioning, because the largemouth bass I caught before the rest of the harvest party arrived was pretty small. Whoops, I mentioned it. Anyway, the crew didn't believe me when I mentioned it to them, even though I took a picture. And Sir Gavin of Jers caught a clam. Those pesky clams.
We did catch a gaggle of tourists though. They seemed to think Dr. Mike in his many-pocketed manssiere would be a nice Norman Rockwell background to their vanity portraits. At least, they did until Dr. Mike stuck his ass out like a cat presenting. I laughed till I cried. No joke. Our laughter and Mike's ass didn't seem to discourage them from hanging out and blabbering for a solid 30 minutes though. Here's three of them after their return from up-lake.
So I arrived at 7 a.m. The rest of the all-day crew (Dr. Mike, D$ and Dave) arrived a short time later and David Laurence Fishbourne caught this honker at 6 p.m. Nothing in between. ELEVEN hours people. But it was awesome. So relaxed. Tequila helps.

(clicky for album)
I say it was the first fish worth mentioning, because the largemouth bass I caught before the rest of the harvest party arrived was pretty small. Whoops, I mentioned it. Anyway, the crew didn't believe me when I mentioned it to them, even though I took a picture. And Sir Gavin of Jers caught a clam. Those pesky clams.
We did catch a gaggle of tourists though. They seemed to think Dr. Mike in his many-pocketed manssiere would be a nice Norman Rockwell background to their vanity portraits. At least, they did until Dr. Mike stuck his ass out like a cat presenting. I laughed till I cried. No joke. Our laughter and Mike's ass didn't seem to discourage them from hanging out and blabbering for a solid 30 minutes though. Here's three of them after their return from up-lake.
So I arrived at 7 a.m. The rest of the all-day crew (Dr. Mike, D$ and Dave) arrived a short time later and David Laurence Fishbourne caught this honker at 6 p.m. Nothing in between. ELEVEN hours people. But it was awesome. So relaxed. Tequila helps.

(clicky for album)
We grilled burgers and chicken for lunch after Carrie, Layla, Gavin, Will and Alex arrived, and spent most of the day getting lures caught on what I'd like to believe were pirate ships forever committed to Davy Jones' locker during the heat of battle. As this was Little Dixie Lake my powers of deduction lead me to believe they were likely Confederate corsairs extorting funds for their war chest from the good people of Boone County. I'll bet there are cannons down there. I say we get some wetsuits and snorkels and pay back our student loans with the inevitable booty.
I lost my lucky Rapala to one of those scoundrels. It escaped though, and while it floundered around (ha!) I threw it a lifeline in the form of a fine balsa faux fish on an invisible monofilament.
Dave cut his fish up and stuck it a ziplock and about an hour later I caught a catfish too! Hurrah! It was quite a pickerupper after 12 hours of standing in mud.
I lost my lucky Rapala to one of those scoundrels. It escaped though, and while it floundered around (ha!) I threw it a lifeline in the form of a fine balsa faux fish on an invisible monofilament.
Dave cut his fish up and stuck it a ziplock and about an hour later I caught a catfish too! Hurrah! It was quite a pickerupper after 12 hours of standing in mud.
Fat face!
I did my best to make a couple nice filets, and I don't think I screwed it up too bad. They're living in my freezer.
And then Dr. Mike whispered sweet nothings into the misty water and viola! He caught one too. He was probably just waiting till we caught ours.
And with that, and a few more casts for good measure, we packed up and rolled back to town. Thirteen and half hours after arrival.
And then Dr. Mike whispered sweet nothings into the misty water and viola! He caught one too. He was probably just waiting till we caught ours.
And with that, and a few more casts for good measure, we packed up and rolled back to town. Thirteen and half hours after arrival.
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